Troops N Tails
Canine Assisted Therapy
They fought for our freedom and now we fight to give them theirs!

Each day 22 veterans commit suicide. Each day 20 more veteran deaths occur from overdose. 42 preventable deaths each and every day! With over 45,000 veterans in Kern County the need for mental health services in our area is staggering but we are in a position to help. With the power of the human/canine connection our goal is to provide these veterans an alternative form of therapy and break the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
Freedom means healing and rescued dogs help heal people. ​
Canine assisted therapy pairs veterans with at risk dogs and licensed therapists to address common issues such as: improving communication skills, problem solving, learning to cope with anxiety and depression, building trust, improving confidence and working through trauma.
Our team will partner veterans with dogs appropriate to their individual needs and work in both group and individual sessions. Giving them the freedom to live! Our veterans have altered their lives in service to our country. With canine assisted therapy we can help them regain the life they once had with the support they need to thrive.