by Joan Morris | Published: Mar 27, 2020 7:00 AM via Apple News
Not a lot to be cheery about these days, but if we look around us, we can see lots of love and support from our pets. To honor their eternal loyalty and friendship, here are photos and stories from folks who are finding comfort in their pets.
If you’d like to share a story and photo, email them to Include the pet’s name, your name, the city you live in, and a few sentences on how your pet is helping.

I got my dog, Spotacus, at Humane Society Silicon Valley a couple of months ago because I needed someone to sit in my lap and my cats aren’t lap cats. He’s 22 pounds but still tries to curl up small enough to stay in my lap without falling off.
It’s even more important to have that comfort now that I can’t hug my friends. As a vet, I’m still working, so I’m lucky that I’m still seeing other animals, too.